Hosted by the Faith To Go team in the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, David Tremaine and Charlette Preslar, and joined the each week by a special guest, the Faith To Go Podcast highlights themes from the Sunday Gospel reading for you to take into your faith discussions and reflections throughout the week.

Activity Time: God’s Love Sun Catcher
Supplies: clear Contact Paper, tissue paper scraps, scissors
Cut out two squares (8x8 works well) of contact paper for each person. Peel the paper off of one piece. Tear pieces of tissue paper and place them on the contact paper. Try to lay them flat so that there aren’t any bumps. Create patterns and designs.
Peel off the backing on the side of the second piece of contact paper. Line it up with the side of the piece you just decorated. Hold the two pieces in place with one hand, while gently pulling the remaining liner off of the paper. Press as you go in order to avoid air bubbles.
After you finish, use scissors to cut your design into a heart that you can hang in the window. Enjoy!

Story Time: The Most Important Commandment
Watch this video together and then use the discussion questions below to reflect as a family.
Discussion Questions:
1. What is the most important rule at home?
2. What is the most important rule at school?
3. Why do we have rules?
4. Why do you think Jesus said those were the two most important rules?
5. How do you show that you love God?
6. How did you show it today?

Dinner Time: Our Neighbors
Below is a prayer with which to start your meal and then discussion questions to explore this week’s topic with your family while you eat.
Prayer -
Dear God, We love you with all our hearts, minds and souls. Help us to show you that each day. Remind us to love each other too, even on the days that it is hard. Amen.
1. Jesus said we are supposed to Love God and Love our Neighbors. Who are our neighbors?
2. Do you think that he meant only the people that lived next to us?
3. Who else could neighbors be?
4. What happens if we don’t agree with those people?
5. Can we love people that we don’t agree with? How?

Bedtime: Reflections for Children at the End of the Day
During your bedtime routine, invite your children into a time of reflection about their day, maybe by saying, "Did you know that God really wants to know what happened in your day today, and that God is always listening whenever you need to tell God something?" Then continue with these questions:
1) What are some things that happened today that you want to tell God about?
2) What is one happy thing that happened today? What is one sad thing that happened today?
3) Did you see God or feel God with you when those things were happening? Where did you see or feel God when those things happened today?
4) Read to your children this week’s scripture selection, then ask the questions that follows.
Matthew 22:34-46 (God’s Word, My Voice)
When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had bested the Sadducees, they sent a lawyer to ask Jesus this question: “Teacher, which commandment is the greatest one of all?” Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your soul and with all your heart and with all your mind. That is the first commandment and the greatest one there is. And there’s another that goes along with it, love your neighbor as yourself. All the other commandments are built on these.”
Then Jesus asked them a question: “So, what do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?” They said, “He’s the son of David.” Jesus said, “How can David call him Lord if he’s David’s son, like it says in the scriptures?” No one was able to give him an answer. After that they didn’t bother to ask Jesus any more questions.
Did the story remind you of anything that happened in your day today?
5) What are some things that you want to tell God that you are grateful for today?
Share some of your conversations in the comments below: