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Week of May 5, 2019: Trusting Jesus (Ages 0-4)

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Faith To Go Podcast: Breakfast at Jesus'

Hosted each week by the Faith Formation team at St. Paul's Cathedral in San Diego, David Tremaine, Maya Little-Sana and Jackie Pippin, the Faith To Go Podcast highlight themes from the Sunday Gospel reading for you to take into your conversations throughout the week


Activity Time: Love

Supplies: Nothing Needed

Tell the children that throughout the class today, whenever the teacher says PETER, they all say I LOVE YOU. This will help to insure that the children are paying attention. Explain why Jesus kept asking PETER if he loved him - because it isn't enough to SAY we love Him, but we need to SHOW our love for Jesus by showing our love for one another and caring for one another!

Activity from Sermons4kids


Story Time: Gospel Reading and Reflection

Watch this video together and then use the discussion questions below to reflect as a family.

Discussion Questions:

1) I wonder who Peter is.

2) I wonder why Peter jumped in the water.

2)I wonder why Peter denied knowing Jesus.

3) I wonder how you think you would react in that situation.

4) I wonder what happens with the boat when they go fishing.

5) I wonder how this deepened their belief in Jesus.

6) I wonder how Jesus knows that Peter loves him.

7) I wonder how Jesus knows that we love him.


Dinner Time: Fishing

Below is a prayer with which to start your meal and then discussion questions to explore this week’s topic with your family while you eat.


Alleluia! You have risen! Alleluia!

It is a mystery.

You were nailed on a cross.

You died.

They put you in a tomb and sealed the door.

It is a mystery.

The tomb is now empty.

You are alive.

Death is nothing to you.

It is a mystery.

You have opened a door for me.

Continue to show me the way to God.

Help me remember the joy of this day.

Alleluia! You have risen. Alleluia!


1. I wonder if you have every gone fishing.

2. I wonder if you caught anything.

3. I wonder how that felt.

4. I wonder what happened when the disciples followed Jesus’ advice.

5. I wonder what you think they learned.


Bedtime: Reflections for Children at the End of the Day

During your bedtime routine, invite your children into a time of reflection about their day, maybe by saying, "Did you know that God really wants to know what happened in your day today, and that God is always listening whenever you need to tell God something?" Then continue with these questions:

1) What are some things that happened today that you want to tell God about?

2) What is one happy thing that happened today? What is one sad thing that happened today?

3) Did you see God or feel God with you when those things were happening? Where did you see or feel God when those things happened today?

4) Read to your children this week’s scripture selection, then ask the questions that follows.

John 21:1-19

Some of the disciples were by the Sea of Tiberias. Peter said he was going fishing, and took the others with him. They spent the whole night fishing, but couldn’t seem to catch any fish at all.

Just after daybreak, Jesus showed up and stood on the beach, but the disciples couldn’t tell it was him. Jesus said to them, “You haven’t got any fish, have you?” They answered him, “No.” He said to them, “Try this. Cast the net to the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they followed Jesus’ suggestion, and now they couldn’t even haul them in the boat, they had so many. Then somebody realized it was Jesus who’d been talking. When Peter heard that it was the Lord, he jumped into the sea and the other disciples followed him in their boat with the net full of fish.

When they got to shore, they saw a charcoal fire there, with fish on it, and bread. Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught. We’ll cook them up and have some breakfast.” So Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, a hundred fifty-three of them. You’d think that many fish would tear the net, but the net was just fine. Jesus said to them, “Come and have some breakfast.” None of them had to ask Jesus who he was because now they all knew it was Jesus himself. Jesus passed the bread and the fish all around, and everyone ate. This was the third time Jesus had appeared to his disciples after he was raised from the dead.

When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Peter, “Do you love me, Peter?” Peter said to him, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my lambs.” A second time Jesus asked to him, “Do you love me?” Peter said to him, “Yes, Lord, You know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Take care of my sheep.” A third time Jesus said, “Do you love me?” Peter felt hurt because he had to ask the third time, “Do you love me?” And he finally said, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep. You know, Peter, when you were younger you were able to do whatever you wanted, but when you are an old man, someone will bind you and take you to places you don’t want to go.” Peter was confused. Jesus was giving him a hint about what Peter’s life was going to be like at the end. Finally Jesus said to Peter, “Follow me.”

Did the story remind you of anything that happened in your day today?

5) What are some things that you want to tell God that you are grateful for today?


Share some of your conversations in the comments below:



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