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Week of December 15, 2019: What Do You See? (Ages 5-10)

Writer: Faith To GoFaith To Go

Updated: Mar 25, 2020

Hosted by the Faith To Go team in the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego, David Tremaine and Charlette Preslar, and joined the each week by a special guest, the Faith To Go Podcast highlights themes from the Sunday Gospel reading for you to take into your faith discussions and reflections throughout the week.


Activity Time: Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy

Supplies: your singing voice

Sing I’ve got the Joy, Joy, Joy Joy down in my heart every night after dinner. You can find the words and a fun video to go with them here:

As the week goes on, can you think of other verses you could add?


Story Time: Partly Cloudy

Watch this video together and then use the discussion questions below to reflect as a family. (Please watch this video from 0:00 to 2:10. That is the substance for the conversation.)

Discussion Questions:

1. What kinds of things did the dark cloud make?

2. What kinds of things did the pink cloud make?

3. What would the world be like if we only had fluffy, cute animals?

4. Can you think of a time when something unexpected happened in your life?

5. Can you think of something good that came from that unexpected thing?


Dinner Time: What Is Joy?

Below is a prayer with which to start your meal and then discussion questions to explore this week’s topic with your family while you eat.

Prayer -

Jesus, you are joy even in the saddest times. Help us to praise you when we are upset or grieving. Shine joy into our hearts we pray. Amen.


1. Joy is different than happy. What do you think joy means?

2. What kinds of things make you joyful?

3. What things can you do to give joy to others?

4. What kinds of things make God joyful?

5. What are some things we can do to share joyfulness as we wait for Christmas?


Bedtime: Reflections for Children at the End of the Day

During your bedtime routine, invite your children into a time of reflection about their day, maybe by saying, "Did you know that God really wants to know what happened in your day today, and that God is always listening whenever you need to tell God something?" Then continue with these questions:

1) What are some things that happened today that you want to tell God about?

2) What is one happy thing that happened today? What is one sad thing that happened today?

3) Did you see God or feel God with you when those things were happening? Where did you see or feel God when those things happened today?

4) Read to your children this week’s scripture selection, then ask the questions that follows.

Matthew 11:2-11 (God’s Word, My Voice)

John the Baptist, Jesus’ cousin, was in prison. Somehow he heard about what Jesus was doing, so he sent Jesus a message with some of his friends. “Tell me, Jesus, are you the one we’ve been waiting for? Or should we keep waiting for the right one to come?”

Jesus thought about this question. And he said, “Go tell John about what you see and hear: that blind people can see again, that people who couldn’t walk are now jumping up and down, that people with diseases are healed, that people whose ears didn’t work can hear, and that dead people are alive. And that poor people are hearing good news for the first time in their lives. Blessed are people who find nothing wrong with these things I’m doing in God’s name.”

So the disciples took that message to John. While they were gone, Jesus began to talk to the crowds of people about his cousin John.

“John’s not quite what you expected, is he?” Jesus said. “Who did you think he’d be, someone in fancy, soft clothing? People who dress like that live in palaces, not in the desert like John. Did you expect him to be a prophet? Yes, John is a prophet because he tells the truth, even if it’s difficult to hear. He is the one the prophets wrote about: ‘A messenger will come ahead of you, and make the people ready for you.’ John is closer to God and the truth than anyone ever has been; yet he is no better than anyone else in God’s kingdom.”

Did the story remind you of anything that happened in your day today?

5) What are some things that you want to tell God that you are grateful for today?


Share some of your conversations in the comments below:



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